PMI Cyprus Chapter offers a range of opportunities to Cypriot businesses, organizations or educational institutions that support and value project management and are seeking greater access to our growing membership. We invite your company or organization to join our effort in providing opportunities for individual growth in project management and increasing corporate awareness of the project management profession.

We have several options for your investment – advertising on our website, eBlasts, meeting sponsorships and one-off events. We encourage you to work with our Sponsorship Team to find the placement that’s right for you.

As a PMI Cyprus sponsor, you can benefit from:

  • Broad reach through the PMI Cyprus Chapter website, direct emailing and media coverage
  • Easy communication to our well-developed professional community
  • Direct access to our chapter events audience
  • Direct connection to professional Project Managers and through them to their companies and their business contacts

The above benefits are realized through four sponsoring packs:

Bronze: You will receive standard visibility.

Silver: You will receive a high level of visibility, standard user community interaction and support from the PMI Cyprus management team.

Gold: You will receive a very high level of visibility, customized interaction and instant support from the PMI Cyprus management team. You will receive outstanding recognition involving continuous brand exposure and standard opportunities for direct interaction.

Diamond: You will get prestigious promotion during the PMI Cyprus events and in the PMI Cyprus official communications. You will receive the highest level of visibility, the most customized service and instant support from the PMI Cyprus management team. You will benefit from permanent brand exposure and customized opportunities for direct interaction.

Have a look at our complete Sponsor Packs for all the details, including sponsorship rates.

Review our PMI Cyprus Chapter Sponsor Agreement.

For more information on sponsoring with the PMI Cyprus Chapter, email us at Sponsorships.

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  • Training
  • Volunteer

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At present we have volunteering opportunities open with various portfolios of PMI Gujarat Chapter. We are looking for volunteers and invite you to be part of PMIGJC volunteers’ force.

Please write to:

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